Main publications:
1. Shemyakina N.V., Nagornova Zh.V., Ponomarev V.A. Independent component analysis for creative versus non-creative task performance // article in proceedings of the WSEAS international conference on medical physiology, Cambridge, UK, February 23-25, 2010 (published in Advances in biomedical research) pp.222-228
2. Danko S. G., Shemyakina N. V., Nagornova Zh. V., Starchenko M. G. Comparison of the effects of the subjective complexity and verbal creativity on EEG spectral power parameters // Human Physiology, 2009, V. 35, N. 3, P. 381.
3. Shemyakina N. V., Starchenko M. G., Nagornova Zh. V. Creative thinking and integrative neurophysiology // chapter in the book Topics in Higher Brain Functions // eds F. Jagla and I. Richansky, Comenius University, 2008, Bratislava, P. 9.
4. Nagornova Zh. V. Changes in the EEG power during tests for nonverbal (figurative) creativity // Human Physiology, 2007, V. 33, N. 3, P. 277.
5. Bechtereva N. P., Nagornova Zh. V. Changes in EEG Coherence during Tests for Nonverbal (Figurative) Creativity // Human Physiology, 2007, V. 33, N. 5, P. 515.
6. Shemyakina N. V., Danko S. G., Nagornova Zh. V., Starchenko M. G., and Bechtereva N. P. Changes in the Power and Coherence Spectra of the EEG Rhythmic Components during Solution of a Verbal Creative Task of Overcoming a Stereotype // Human Physiology, 2007, V. 33, N. 5, P. 524.